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Zebulon, Georgia, United States
We pray. We encourage and promote prayer. We will pray for you and with you. We offer prayer for all in need. We organize, plan, present, and participate in various activities promoting faith and prayer. Such as; Prayer Guardian Ministry, National Day of Prayer, E-mail Prayer Chain, Prayer Walks, and other activities as resources and opportunities allow.


Request prayer
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Friday, November 6, 2009

Prayer request

Father God we are stunned by the events at Ft. Hood and seek to put these types of things in prospective in our lives. The loss of life in what seems to us a senseless act is completely beyond our ability to understand. In times like this we can only turn to you God for comfort and peace for all those involved. We pray for healing in the families that have lost loved ones and for those that were injured. Pour your mercy and love down on Ft. Hood and all affected by this tragedy.

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