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Zebulon, Georgia, United States
We pray. We encourage and promote prayer. We will pray for you and with you. We offer prayer for all in need. We organize, plan, present, and participate in various activities promoting faith and prayer. Such as; Prayer Guardian Ministry, National Day of Prayer, E-mail Prayer Chain, Prayer Walks, and other activities as resources and opportunities allow.


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Friday, January 1, 2010


We celebrated the birth of Christ and we have brought to a close 2009 and opened a new year and a new decade. We have lost some loved ones, we have found new loved ones, some relationships were weakened and some were renewed or strengthened, but as it is eternally, life goes on. Life is a continuously changing interaction with people and our environment; how we adapt and manage those interactions will determine our acceptance by society. The real question is how much are you willing to sacrifice to be accepted?
In the New Year our prayer is that each one seeks God’s will in all aspects of their life, not man’s approval. Christ left us with a mission, at the point you accepted Christ as your Load and Savior you also accepted to undertake that mission. Each of us may find our path leading us to address the mission in different ways, but the process and ultimate outcome is the same. We are to share Jesus Christ with the world; not to those you meet in church, although many may need it, but to everyone in words and deeds.
Let every Christian stand for Christ daily without shame, boldly reflect Christ’s nature in your actions, and lovingly display Christ’s character in all relationships. Make this your new year’s resolution and your lifelong commitment.

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