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Zebulon, Georgia, United States
We pray. We encourage and promote prayer. We will pray for you and with you. We offer prayer for all in need. We organize, plan, present, and participate in various activities promoting faith and prayer. Such as; Prayer Guardian Ministry, National Day of Prayer, E-mail Prayer Chain, Prayer Walks, and other activities as resources and opportunities allow.


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Friday, March 5, 2010


Thank you for your continued prayer for my mother-in-law, Sue Terry. She is improving and has been moved to Golden Living Center for physical therapy/rehab and will be there 4 to 8 weeks. Her kidney function has improved to 20% and they got her up sitting in a chair. Sue heard they had Bingo 3 times a week there and can't wait to go. Praise God for such a BIG turn around. Thank you again!
Love you in the Lord,
Cathy Terry

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