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Zebulon, Georgia, United States
We pray. We encourage and promote prayer. We will pray for you and with you. We offer prayer for all in need. We organize, plan, present, and participate in various activities promoting faith and prayer. Such as; Prayer Guardian Ministry, National Day of Prayer, E-mail Prayer Chain, Prayer Walks, and other activities as resources and opportunities allow.


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Thursday, October 8, 2009


An Iceberg spends its entire existence flooding around aimlessly in the ocean with only about ten percent of its mass showing above the surface. We all have heard disastrous tales of icebergs sinking ships that got too close causing hundreds of lives to parish.

Icebergs do not live a long and productive life, quit the opposite. Icebergs break away from the formation that gave them existence and begin moving independently on a random journey. After a time the iceberg floats in a southerly direction with no identifiable destination. As the water warms, the Iceberg begins to loss its mass and even what is visible above the surface becomes smaller and smaller until it is no longer something that is significant. Now ignored and shrinking the Iceberg continues on its journey forgotten and irrelevant.

One day the iceberg will disappear and its mass will have mingled with all the rest of the water in the ocean so we can not distinguish any difference.

Are you allowing your faith to dwindle and shrink until it is no longer identifiable? Will you just mirage into the massive ocean of people that are just there without a purpose or direction?

Show people more than ten percent of who you are and your faith. The ninety percent below the surface is the most important, yes it is the scariest, but if we bring it to the surface and share it with those traveling past it will not only grow but help others afloat on the ocean of life. If we connect with all those other icebergs afloat, just maybe we can establish an island for others to connect with, also.

Don’t let your faith be an iceberg, merging into the world and becoming irrelevant.

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