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Zebulon, Georgia, United States
We pray. We encourage and promote prayer. We will pray for you and with you. We offer prayer for all in need. We organize, plan, present, and participate in various activities promoting faith and prayer. Such as; Prayer Guardian Ministry, National Day of Prayer, E-mail Prayer Chain, Prayer Walks, and other activities as resources and opportunities allow.


Request prayer
To request prayer, email your request to;


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Prayer request

This is pastor appreciation week and we really need to pray for our pastors and leaders of our churches and let them know we are praying for them. Pastors have a very heavy weight on them from all directions 24/7. Please pray that they would have a Christ-like heart as well as their church-members.

Please also pray that when these prayer requests come across our desk-top that we really pray for them! David I just prayed for you oh how I feel as you do so much of the time!
Sister in Christ
Pike County, GA

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